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Dr David Hung has joined T-Therapeutics as Chairman of its Board of Directors.

In this video, which accompanied the announcement, Dr Hung explains his decision:

“I have always wanted to be on the cutting-edge of science and transform the practice of medicine. I have often said that the world doesn’t need more medicines, it needs better medicines. I believe T-Therapeutics has the potential to transform the practice of medicine with better medicines.”

Dr Hung is a successful entrepreneur in the oncology field, having founded three companies. One of these, Medivation, was acquired by Pfizer for $14.3 billion in 2016.

At Medivation, Dr Hung led the development of enzalutamide (XTANDI®) for advanced prostate cancer, taking it from first in vitro experiment to FDA approval in just seven years. XTANDI, now approved in over 60 countries, has become a blockbuster drug with global annual sales exceeding $6 billion in 2023.

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CB21 6AL